
Día Europeo das Linguas

O 26 de setembro conmemórase o Día Europeo das Linguas e na área de Lingua Inglesa non quixemos desaproveitar a ocasión para reflexionar sobre as linguas que nos rodean, o valor que supón poder falar máis dunha e familiarizarnos cos países, bandeiras, capitais e linguas do noso continente. 

Así, por equipos, investigamos sobre un país europeo e coa información obtida elaboramos un glosario común na aula virtual onde poder consultar toda a información recollida polos compañeiros/as e tamén decoramos un mural co mapa de Europa que expuxemos no corredor.

Non sabíamos que en Europa se falaban tantas linguas!!! E vós, sabedes cantas linguas se falan en Europa?


Easter cards

Year 2 continues exchanging cards with their penpals at Highfields Primary in Rowley Regis.

This time, we made Easter Bunnies.


And they sent us Easter eggs and chicks.


Thank you very much!!! We'll keep in touch.

Valentine's Day cards

After exchanging Christmas cards, now it's time to exchange Valentine's Day cards with our penpals at Rowley Regis, near Birmingham (UK). We told them about our "Candeas" celebration on February 2nd. It is said that birds get married on that day. There is also a traditional saying that goes: Cando a Candeloria chora, o inverno vai fóra; cando a Candeloria ri, o inverno está por vir. So we became weather forecasters and predicted that Winter is still around here.


And these are the cards we received from the UK.



 Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Mail from Turkey!

Today, in our first English lesson after the Christmas holidays, there was a mysterious box at the teacher's table. When we opened it, a smell of coffee invaded the room. The Christmas cards from our Turkish penpals!!!


Everyone got one card and a little present: a bracelet, a magnet, a bookmark... and even a coffe bag. They also sent coins and a flag! Thank you for everything!


Christmas cards exchange

"Christmas cards here, christmas cards there, pictures of Christmas everywhere..."

We continue reinforcing our students' writing and speaking skills and fostering intercultural awareness. So, at this time of the year, we sing Christmas carols and send Christmas cards.

Y1 are sending Christmas cards to their friends at CRA de Oroso.

Y2 exchanged Christmas cards with students from Highfields Primary, in Rowley Regis (UK).


Y3 and Y4 are singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" at the Assembly Hall next Thursday.

Y5 exchanged Christmas cards with their penpals in Trujillo (Cáceres) and Fuengirola (Málaga). They also sang "O Christmas Tree".


Y6 exchanged Christmas cards and a little gift with their penpals in Turkey. They are also singing "Jingle Bells" both in English and in French at the Assembly Hall next Thursday.