Lingua Estranxeira (Inglés)


Before leaving, our language assistant Abdul made this game for us. The class was divided into 4 teams. We took turns in saying sentences about the grid on the interactive board. For example, "On Wednesdays I've got history" and got a heart (an extra life), a bomb (we lost a life) or a canon (we could take one life from other team). The winner was the group with more hearts or lives at the end of the game. We played with subjects and days of the week and also with verb tenses (present simple, present continuous, past simple and be going to). It was fun!



Amósame a lingua...

Amósame a lingua,

amásame na lingua,

ámame coa lingua,


Xela Arias


Students and teachers from different corners of Europe joined us to celebrate Galician Literature week. Alumnos/as e profes de diferentes recunchos de Europa uníronse a nós para celebrar a semana das Letras Galegas.  

"MOTHER" and "EYE" in different European languages

This month, Y6 students have been reflecting upon how similar and, at the same time, different are European languages. We wanted to show you two single words: mother and eye. Check the similarities among the different languages. And... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

23rd April: World Book Day and Children's Day

We wanted to celebrate World Book Day with a collaborative acrostic poem among all the teachers in "Games With Web 2 Tools". We used our avatars and Chatterpix to make them read the verses. Here's the result:

Apart from that, some countries celebrate "Children's Day" on 23rd April too. So we participated in this collaborative message:

World Book Day

Do you know why World Book Day is celebrated on 23rd April? It has to do with a coincidence between two geniuses of literature: William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. Historical records keep they died on the same date (23rd April 1616), although there is actually a difference of 10 days between their deaths since, at the time, Spain and England used different calendars. 

Sabes por que o Día do Libro se celebra o 23 de abril? Ten que ver cunha coincidencia entre dous xenios da literatura: William Shakespeare e Miguel de Cervantes. Os rexistros históricos manteñen que morreron na mesma data (23 de abril de 1616), aínda que realmente hai unha diferencia de 10 días entre as súas mortes xa que, na época, España e Inglaterra usaban calendarios diferentes. 

Y4 designed their own bookmarks today in the English class and Y6 learnt about the lives of these two prominent authors. 

St. Patrick's Day

17th March was Saint Patrick's Day. This is how we celebrated it at school.

Quizizz and Kahoot games in English

To end the second term, we played some contest-type games like Quizizz and Kahoot. We had a lot of fun!

We even challenged our Turkish colleagues from "GamesWithWeb2Tools" eTwinning project and played online together. Manuel was the winner of the first game!


Trabalinguas e viralínguas

O pasado 21 de febreiro, con motivo do Día Internacional da Lingua Materna, gravamos uns trabalinguas en galego para compartir cos nosos socios do proxecto europeo L@ngu@ges4all.

No mes de marzo, cada centro emparellouse con outro centro estranxeiro e reproducimos os seus trabalinguas nun video. A nós tocounos o cluster de colexios Dr. Francisco Sanches do veciño Portugal e aquí están os nosos viralínguas en portugués.


Eles fixeron o mesmo cos nosos trabalinguas. Queredes ver que tal lle saíron?

Meeting Abdul, our language assistant

Estes días estamos coñecendo ao novo auxiliar de conversación que nos axudará a mellorar a nosa expresión oral en inglés. Chámase Abdul e vén da India, máis concretamente, da cidade de Agra onde se atopa o coñecido mausoleo do Taj Mahal (unha das sete marabillas do mundo).

Falounos do seu país, da súa cultura, da súa familia e amigos/as, das súas afeccións... Nós fixémoslle unha morea de preguntas e quedamos pampos coa cantidade de linguas que domina. Xa nos gustaría a nós! 


Álbum: Curso 2020 - 2021 -> Auxiliar de conversa

21 de febreiro - Día da Lingua Materna

O pasado 21 de febreiro foi o Día da Lingua Materna e nós non quixemos desaproveitar a ocasión sen aloumiñar o noso galego e presumir de lingua con estes trabalinguas:

Quen dos nosos socios europeos será quen de reproducilos?