

Christmas is here at last!!!

And to celebrate it in Primary Education, we learnt beautiful Christmas songs   and   traditional carols that we will  sing at home with our families. Some groups even had time to write lovely Christmas cards.

Do you like the ornaments we made? Nice, aren’t   they?

The year 2022 will be fantastic! At least, we hope so...



Halloween is here at last! As usual, the pupils of Primary Education  made some Halloween decorations in class. They were so funny and scary!

Teacher Jane, our language teaching assistant , helped us do our best. Thank you, teacher!
It was fun!!!


What makes you feel happy, sad, angry, scared, surprised or disgusted?

Os nen@s de Dodro reflexionamos en inglés sobre as nosas emocións. Compartimos cos demais que nos fai sentirnos dunha maneira determinada e como reaccionamos ante esa emoción.

Os máis pequechiñ@s falaron da alegría ( happiness) e a tristeza ( sadness) e deixaron plasmadas as súas ideas en fermosos pósters onde aparecían fotos súas, debuxos, ilustracións,...

O mesmo fixeron os/as de 3° a propósito da ira (anger) e os de 4° falando do medo ( fear)..

Aos/ás maiores tocáronlles emocións complicadas: a sorpresa (surprise) a 5° e o asco ( disgust) a 6°.



As exposicións orais de tod@s resultaron moi enriquecedoras para cada grupo e serviu para coñecernos máis, a nós mesm@s e aos demais.



On January 15th the pupils of 5th and 6th Primary went to Santiago to the Auditorio ABANCA. We watched  “Alice in Wonderland”. The play was a bit strange and confusing because it  was about  online games where the actor and actress played against the characters of the famous book written by Lewis Carroll: the White Rabbit , The Queen of Hearts and so on. Some pupils volunteered to act in the play when they were asked to perform Alice and her friends.

After the play, we went for a walk around the old part of Santiago. We visited the gardens of San Martín Pinario Monastery; we had a snack at Praza da Quintana and we took photos at Praza do Obradorio, with the cathedral and its museum at the back. We also visited the gardens of Fonseca University and tried to guess what our  professional future will.

We had a great fun.


In English class, 1st and 2nd primary students made candy cane ornaments using pipe cleaners and red and white plastic beads. “Candy cane” is a vocabulary word we learned in the Christmas song, “Decorate the Christmas Tree,” which we will be singing at the holiday party on Friday! 2nd, 3rd and 4th primary made snowflake ornaments using shiny silver pipe cleaners and their unique color combinations of plastic beads. 5th and 6th primary students made pop-up Christmas cards using various cutting and tracing techniques with green cardstock paper. The cards have a pop-up Christmas tree, which is also fitting with our Christmas carol “Decorate the Christmas Tree.” We don’t have photos of the students, but the cards look like this:!





Velaquí a presentación da fantástica obra de teatro representada polo alumnado de 4º de E. Primaria e dirixida pola teacher Merchy:


contido de proba

Dates for the exams/  Datas para os exames

Información de interese para pais/nais e alumnos/as:

Aquí tedes as datas do 2º exame escrito correspondente a este 2º trimestre:

  • 3º Primaria: xoves, 12 de marzo
  • 4º Primaria: xoves, 12 de marzo
  • 5º Primaria: venres, 13 de marzo
  • 6º Primaria: venres, 13 de marzo


Lémbrovos que  en inglés temos avaliación continua o que implica que, en cada exame novo, nos entra tamén todo o anterior. Non esquezades repasar os exercicios que vos marquei no Activity Book e tamén todo o que demos no caderno, xa que aquí imos ampliando contidos e tamén repasando cousas que, en principio, xa deberían estar asimiladas de cursos anteriores ...

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