A very special visit in Quintáns

Today was a normal day in Quintáns, well we were going to celebrate Xiana's birthday since she was the last one to recover from chickenpox and we hadn't had the ocassion yet.

Hoxe foi un día normal en Quintáns, ben iamos celebrar o aniversario de Xiana xa que ela foi a última en recuperarse da varicela e aínda non tiveramos a ocasión.

Suddenly, Ainoa walked in with a big box. We'd seen that box before and we knew there were three caterpillars inside. However, this time something was different. When we opened the box, none of the caterpillars were there. Instead, there were three cocoons and one of them had a hole. We looked for the butterfly and there it was, a beautiful white butterfly. One of the caterpillars had become that butterfly. Unbelievable!

De súpeto, Ainoa entrou cunha caixa grande. Nós xa viramos aquela caixa antes e sabiamos que dentro había tres eirugas. Con todo, esta vez, algo era diferente. Cando abrimos a caixa, ningunha das eirugas estaba alí. Pola contra, había tres casulos e un deles tiña un burato. Buscamos a bolboreta e alí estaba, unha linda bolboreta branca. Unha das eirugas tornárase bolboreta. Incrible!

But that wasn't all. When we were about to start the lesson, Gabriel walked in with a huge cage. "Do you wanna see my pet?" - he said. "Yes"- we shouted. We hurried towards him and saw a strange animal. "It looks like a mouse"- Miguel said. "No, it isn't a mouse. It's a guinea pig."- replied Gabriel. We wanted to touch its fur. It was white and brown and very soft. "What's its name?"- asked Celia. "Chloe"-answered Gabriel.

Pero iso non era todo. Cando estabamos a piques de iniciar a clase, Gabriel entrou cunha gaiola enorme. "Queredes ver a miña mascota?" - dixo. "Si" - berramos. Corremos cara el e vimos un estraño animal. "Parece un rato" - dixo Miguel. "Non, non é un rato. É unha cobaia." - respondeu Gabriel. Nós queríamos tocarlle a pel. Era branca e marrón e moi suave. "Como se chama?" - preguntou Celia. "Cloe" -contestou Gabriel.

Eventually, we took photos with the animals to remember this special day.  

Finalmente, sacamos fotos cos animais para recordar este día especial.