We are arriving at the end of the school year at it's time to say Robert thank you and goodbye. We had a nice time at your lessons and we hope you wiil be ok in Canada.
Aproveitando que esta semana tamén tiñamos amorodos e como o venres era festivo, decidimos tomar a froita sobrante e non estragala nuns deliciosos batidos.
Así que os alumnos e alumnas de 1º baixamos a aula de cociña do cole e axudamos na elaboración dos batidos utiliznado a leite do reparto e os amorodos e plátanos que nos sobraron das merendas.
Incluso utilizamos os cartóns do leite para tomar o batido e así reciclalos.
Taking advantege of the fact that this week we also had strawberries and as Friday was holiday, we decided to take the extra fruit and not spoil it some delicious milkshakes.
So students in grade 1 went down to the school dinning room and helped to prepare the drink by using the strawberries, the bananas and the milk, that hve been left out from their snacks.
We even reuse the cartons to drink the milkshakes and recycle them.