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Story elements


A music video tells, through music, a story.

The basic elements of a story are: what happens (the action), the characters involved, the time and space in which the action happens.

1. EVENT: the actions and events that engage and affect the protagonist. It may be something everyday or dramatic; funny or dramatic ...

2. CHARACTERS: the protagonist is the main piece of the script. For the spectators know well that there is no script to describe their physical and emotional: what aspect is, how is your character, which is dedicated, who are your friends, how's the family or couple ...

3. TIME: we must take into account the time that happen in the story and the duration of the song's music video. We must adjust the two times are different resources:

            - Fitting parallel: several actions occur simultaneously

            - Suspense and surprise the viewer knows more or the same as the protagonist

            - Continuity: respect the succession of events

            - Ellipse: removal moments in history that are not considered important, or represent the passage of time

            - Flash back: jump back in time

            - Flash forward: jump forward in time

4. SPACE: we should locate the story in a certain place, nature, home, neighborhood, city, country ...

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