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The script is the base of the audiovisual project, so it should be very well thought out and worked.

The most common method to write a script goes through various stages that lead us from the more abstract to the concrete: idea, plot, synopsis, treatment, screenplay literary, technical script, story board.

1. IDEA: It is seed of the script, a small description of what is the story. Preferably look for original ideas.

2. ARGUMENT: consists of developing the idea telling the full story. Soe narrated in the present tense and appear the main characters and events.

3. SYNOPSIS: is the development and full schematic plot where are all the important events in the sequential order in which they appear, including the final.

4.- TREATMENT: is the development of action divided into scenes, written in the present and in the third person.

5.- LITERARY SCRIPT: a succession of scenes and sequences dialogued and explanatory annotations in which the characters are well characterized for what they do and say. It is the key tool for the filming.

6. TECHNICAL SCRIPT: writes by the director, adding the detailed planning of the way in which they recorded the scenes, types of plans, angulation, movement ... It is the interpretation of the director of history.

7. STORY BOARD: sometimes moved or added to the script technical drawing of the plan or angle you want to record.


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