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Consellos para composición

  • As liñas e os parágrafos recoñécense automaticamente. O salto de liña <br />, o parágrafo <p> e os peches de párrafo </p> son inseridos automaticamente. Se non se recoñecen os parágrafos engada un par de liñas en branco.
  • As direccións das páxinas web e as direccións de correo se convirten en enlaces automaticamente.
  • SWF Tools Filter

    The basic syntax for embedding a flash file (.swf), flash movie (.flv) or audio file (.mp3) is:

    [swf file="filename.swf"]

    If you would like to override SWF Tools and flash player default settings, you can specify additional parameters. For example:

    [swf file="song.mp3" flashvars="backcolor=#AABBCC&&forecolor=#11AA11"]

    If you would like to output a list of files then the format is:

    [swf files="image1.jpg&&image2.jpg&&..."]
    SWF Tools Filter will accept following:
    • params : You can specify values for parameters to be passed to Flash to control the appearance of the output. Typical values are bgcolor and wmode. Example: params="wmode=true&&bgcolor="#00FF00" Alternatively you can supply each parameter individually without using params. Example wmode="true" bgcolor="#00FF00"
    • flashvars : You can specify values for output as flashvars, which become available to the Flash movie that is playing. This is often done to control a media player. Refer to the documentation of the flash player you are using to know what flashvar options are available. Example: flashvars="autostart=true&&volume=80"
    • methods : Optional information about how to display the file. The most common usage is to specify a particular media player and thus override the default specified on the settings page. Example: methods="player=onepixelout_mp3"

    WARNING: with params, flashvars and othervars, pass multiple values separated by &&.

by Dr. Radut