(Illustrator and Writer) – (Ilustrador e Escritor)

As part of the celebration of the Book Day and as an activity closely related to Arts and Crafts we had the honor of meeting Anxo Fariña. Anxo Fariña is a famous illustrator and writer who is the author of books such as Os Megatoxos or La llave de la Atlántida among others. He taught us very useful tricks to draw cartoons: the CO trick, the D trick, the CD trick, etc. We learnt a great deal of interesting and funny things and we enjoyed his visit a lot. Thank You Very Much Anxo!!!


Como parte da celebración do Día do Libro e como parte da materia de Plástica tivemos o honor de coñecer a Anxo Fariña. Anxo Fariña é un famoso ilustrador e escritor autor de libros coma Os Megatoxos ou La llave de la Atlántida entre outros. Ensinounos varios trucos para debuxar: o truco do CO, o truco do D, o truco do CD, etc. Aprendemos moitas cousas interesantes e divertidas e desfrutamos e aproveitamos a súa visita. Moitísimas Gracias Anxo!!!



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