The third term will be devoted to the use of rulers as well as to draw different types of lines (among other activities!!!).

O terceiro trimestre estará dedicado ao uso das regras e a debuxar diferentes tipos de liñas (entre outras actividades!!!)


1st and 2nd -1º e 2º

1st and 2nd year students have begun using rulers freely, just to get familiar with these new tools. Then, they have drawn straight lines with their rulers to finally get beautiful stars. We have also studied basic geometric shapes such as the square, triangle and circle.

1º e 2º empezaron usando as regras de forma libre, simplemente para familiarizarse con uso destes novos obxectos. Despois, debuxaron liñas rectas coas regras que finalmente resultaron nunhas fermosas estrelas. Tamén estudiamos formas xeométricas básicas coma o cadrado, triángulo e círculo.


3rd and 4th - 3º e 4º

3rd and 4th year students also used rulers to draw abstract and non abstract pictures. Then, they drew straight lines to get a curious shape. After that, they used squares to add depth to a shape. Finally, we worked on the different geometric shapes by means of a Tangram.

3º e 4º tamén empregaron as regras para facer debuxos abstractos e non tan abstractos. Seguiron co trazado de liñas rectas para crear unha figura curiosa. Despois diso, usaron cadrados para dar profundidade a unha forma. Finalmente traballaron coas distintas figuras xeométricas por medio dun Tangram.





5th and 6th - 5º e 6º

5th and 6th year students worked on lines made freehand. Although it could seem easy, it is difficult and a very time-consuming activity. You must be patient to carry out this kind of drawings!!!

5º e 6º traballaron en liñas feitas a man alzada. Aínda que poida parecer fácil, é un traballo difícil e que leva moito tempo. Tes que ter paciencia para facelo!!!



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