
Actividad de lectura

Read the following text and answer the questions:



Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.

Taken from



             An illustration from Fables in Rhyme for Little Folks, New York, 1918


  1. Who is the author of this work?
  2. Which is the meaning of the expression sour grapes?
  3. What literary genre belongs to?
  4. Which is the main character?. Is this character usual in this type of text?
  5. Can we use this expression in current time with the same meaning?
Actividad desplegable

Le e completa coa frase ou palabra adecuada:

O outro día atopei ao meu amigo Lois un tanto ; parece que se acababa de enterar de que a súa noiva é . Eu solteille unha e díxenlle que non se preocupara que o fin de semana lle faría de e levaríao de parranda para que coñecera o novo ambiente do pobo. 

Os ambientes excesivamente serios e graves sempre me acaban producindo un leve nerviosismo e unha risa que podería calificarse de .

Cando Miguel viu as notas de corte de arquitectura, díxonos que en realidade non tiña moi claro o que quería facer; todos pensamos rapidamente, si, !.

Actividad de lectura


Sappho, fragment 3     

 That man is peer of the gods, who
        face to face sits listening
to your sweet speech and lovely

It is this that rouses a tumult
in my breast. At mere sight of you
my voice falters, my tongue
     is broken.

Straightway, a delicate fire runs in
my limbs; my eyes
are blinded and my ears

Sweat pours out: a trembling hunts
me down. I grow
paler than grass and lack little
   of dying.

    William Carlos Williams

                                           Sappho, Gustav Klimt


Answer briefly these questions about Sappho, fragment 3:

  1. Where did Sappho develop her literary activity? Was there any special environment in this place?
  2. Can you describe her social circle? Do you know her social position?
  3. After reading the Sappho´s poem, try to describe the love symptoms.