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April 1st: All Fools' Day

April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, although not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbours, or sending them on fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon: like UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa, someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool". Elsewhere, such as in Ireland, France, and the USA, the jokes last all day.

March 8th: International Women's Day

On occasion of 2009 International Women's Day the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has warned that the specific health-care needs of women are often ignored or insufficiently taken into account in war situations.

Remember Gareth Kearney?

He'll arrive in Lugo on February 19th and stay for a few days. We hope he'll have time to visit his best pupils ever.

The Big Challenge

07/05/2009 00:00

O centro participa na proba The Big Challenge.O prazo de inscrición está xa pechado. A proba terá lugar o próximo 7 de maio.

the big challenge Se queres información sobre a proba podes acceder á páxina oficial

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by Dr. Radut