
Creative Writing Workshop: Snail Mail

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter or card? Do you remember the excitement of opening your mailbox, examining the handwriting, the stamp or the postmark?

Increasingly, people are forgoing the gratification of instant electronic communication for a slower, more personal approach – letter writing is experiencing a revival, and wouldn't you like to join in?

From Santiago de Compostela to the World: Postcrossing at EOI de Santiago-Sar


Postcrossing at EOI Santiago Sar é un proxecto de centro no que participan profesores e alumnos de todos os niveis en distintos tipos de tarefas. O obxectivo último do proxecto é INTERCAMBIAR TARXETAS POSTAIS EN INGLÉS con persoas de calquera punto do planeta empregando a dirección postal do centro e unha conta colectiva no sitio web

Este intercambio difundirase na rede a través dun blog específico para o proxecto:

Proxecto de escritura creativa intercentros na sección de Ribeira


O proxecto naceu cun dobre obxectivo:

  1. Fomentar entre o alumnado de distintos niveis educativos, desde infantil a ensinanza de adultos, a práctica das destrezas escritas (comprensión e expresión), contextualizando as súas producións e provendo un destinatario concreto.
  2. Poñer en contacto a centros educativos de diferentes contextos (infantil, primaria, secundaria, ensinanza de adultos) e emprazamentos para fomentar o intercambio e o coñecemento.

A Guide to Get to Know California

California sunsetOur language assistant Kimi Yu will talk about life in California. Elementary students are particularly welcome!

Wednesday November 18th 2015 at 6.30 pm, Salón de Actos.

English Book club - First meeting at Sar

If you are a lover of detective fiction, come and join our club! You won’t regret it!!

In this meeting students will be informed of the books we are going to read this year and the dates and times of the following meetings. We will also be discussing their reading tastes in general.

Wednesday, November 18 2015, 20:00-21:30 room 8 (Sección EOI - Sar)
Our blog:

The British Sporting Boom

Michael Owen takes a lineoutWe play it, it’s on our TV in our living rooms and on social media on our phones. We see it in advertising and we talk about it in the pub. Sport is a way of life. But how did it come to this? In this talk we look at the origins and development of three very different British sports: football, rugby and cricket, their spread around the world and their growth in importance, with the problems this has caused.

Thursday November 12th 2015 at 6.30 p.m. Salón de Actos do IES de Sar.

Organized by the English Department.

Música irlandesa na sección de Noia

O pasado 7 de outubro o profesor Denis O´Toole mostrou a un numeroso grupo de alumnos e profesores da sección de Noia a maxia da súa gaita irlandesa e tamén foi quen de facer bailar unha polca tradicional a tódolos asistentes.

Logo os alumnos tiveron a posibilidade de facerlle preguntas sobre a súa cultura e tradicións, tendo a oportunidade de falar cun nativo no idioma que están aprendendo.

Esta actividade gustou moito a tivo unha gran aceptación entre o alumnado.
Graciñas e ata outra! 

Halloween in Ordes

HalloweenCome and celebrate this special night at the Sección Ordes!!

•    Bring your Jack-o’-lantern to decorate your classroom
•    Participate in our special Halloween quiz and other activities
•    Have fun playing Halloween games…and you can also wear your scariest costume!!!

 Thursday, 29th October 2015, from 19:00 to 21:00.

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