We held our 1st Pumpkin Carving Contest:
Judging criteria included technical skill, creativity, materials used and attention to detail.
This year's winners were Antía Tejo and Iria Estévez (1º ESO) and Antía Botana and Claudia Aldrey (2º ESO). The runners-up were Rosa Quintáns and Paula Sánchez (1º ESO) and Candela Martínez (2º ESO).
Winners were awarded a voucher at the school canteen for a whole week.
The Department of English is proud of all the students who participated and submitted their pumpkins. Thanks a lot.
Check out all the creepy, incredible and creative pumpkins.
Our school also hosted our 1st Scary Story Contest:
Year 9 and Year 10 students blew us away with their terrifying short stories:
Xiana Villaverde (Year 10) came first with the best written story and Marcos Vaamonde (Year 9) came first with the most frightening story.
Rita Domínguez (Year 9) came second place with the best written storya nd Uxía Rodríguez (Year 9) came second place with the most frightening story.
Winners were also awarded a voucher at the school canteen.
Congratulations to all of you for your hauntingly brilliant stories. We're proud of you. Keep writing.
Comunícaselle ao alumnado coa materia de Lingua Estranxeira (Inglés) pendente de cursos anteriores que os exames se realizarán nas datas e horas que figuran a continuación:
1ª convocatoria: 6 de febreiro de 2018:
2ª convocatoria: 8 de maio de 2018:
Hi folks!
We arleady know the winners of the first mini-saga competition. The members of the English Department would like to thank you all the participants because it was a pleasure to read your contributions and we hope more people will take part in the future.
Xiana Villaverde (3º A) came first with:
"Isle of Flightless birds" by Twenty-one pilots
She was intelligent, bold and full of life. But she needed ambition and her desire to feel complete wasn’t fulfilled. Fear was her enemy, it broke her wings and glued her to the ground.After a lifetime of watching nightingales fly, she fluttered from the isle of flightless birds.
Guillermo González (4º) came second place with:
"Shape of you" by Ed Sheeran
I was amazed. She was prettier than what I had expected. I had in mind a small young woman with short wavy hair, but she was completely different. She had stunning straight hair that reached her elbows. Finally, after weeks of work, my painting was finished.
Eduardo García-Santamarina (4º ESO) came third place with:
"Run Boy Run" by Woodkid
I am in utter darkness. I don’t know where. I see a little dot. It’s light. I can see it. I don’t know why but I must head there. I use all my might. It’s closer. I can’t stand it anymore, one last effort please. Madam, It’s a boy. Congratulations!
Estimados padres,
Desde el departamento de inglés nos complace invitaros a una charla que Collin G. Edouard, el actual auxiliar de conversación de nuestro instituto, dará el martes día 31 de mayo a las 18.30 como colofón a su estancia en nuestro país. En ella abordará temas como las expectativas que había puesto en esta experiencia, las diferencias culturales entre EE.UU. y Galicia con especial énfasis en el sistema educativo y estará abierto a cualquier pregunta que pueda interesaros.
Os animamos encarecidamente a que participéis.
Reciban un cordial saludo de todos los miembros del Departamento de Inglés
Comunícaselle ao alumnado coa asignatura de Lingua Estranxeira (Inglés) pendente de cursos anteriores que os exames se realizarán más datas e horas que figuran máis abaixo:
1° ESO: Martes 23 de maio de 12.40 a 13.30 (Aula 18)
2°ESO: martes 23 de maio de 16.30 a 17.40
3°ESO: martes 23 de maio de 11.30 a 12.40
Os contidos así como o formato das probas xa se lle comunicaron ao alumnado en persoa por parte da súa actual profesora.
De existir cualquiera dúbida, poñédevos en contacto coa profesora correspondente.
Do you like music? Have you got a favourite song? Do you like writing? You don't have much time to do so??? Well, then this is the right COMPETITION for you to take part in. Check the instructions here.
The mini-sagas students write will be displayed on the walls of the corridor downstairs so that you can vote for the one you like the best.
3º ESO students have just taken part in their first egg hunt in the school grounds . I would like to thank both Collin Eduoard and Alba A. Faye for doing such a great job with all the organization and the riddles. Besides, we all three teachers want to congratulate students on their good work: they were surprisingly engaged the whole time!!!!!!! Hooray!!! It has been such a success that we just hope to do it again in the coming years.
For those who are interested in attending an English summer camp in Galicia.
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