Lifelong learning – a model of public language education of adults for Europe

General aim

The cultural heritage of The Way of St. James, together with its multilingual environment, make Santiago de Compostela a meeting point of different cultures and a perfect example of how learning languages contributes to creating a European cultural identity.

Aside from its renowned UNESCO World Heritage Old Town and its historic University, Santiago de Compostela is also a modern town, seat of the Galician regional government, which has experienced a high increasing demand in foreign language learning programs for adults over the past decade.

Hopefully, sharing this unique model with other European countries will be a highly beneficial exchange, Santiago being a metaphor of the multicultural character of the Europe we intend to forge.

Learning objectives

The participants will learn about:

Map of participants

  • the variety of language courses we offer (general, language for specific purposes, teacher training for CLIL);
  • how we adapt to the different programs our society demands;
  • our syllabus and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
  • ICTs in the foreign language classroom,  teaching methods and assessment tools.


The participants will also have the opportunity to:

  • visit adult education institutions specialised in languages;
  • meet education authorities;
  • observe teachers’ work in the classroom;
  • exchange ideas;
  • attend lectures, round-table discussions and workshops.

Date of the Visit

24th - 27th February 2014


14 participants from 11 countries

Working language
