

Información do Proxecto Next Station II - Leonardo 2013 - 2014

Neste enlace deixovos información do proxecto Next Station II - Leonardo 2013 - 2014:


Agardamos os resultados das novas cartas Erasmus for All, que permitirán ampliar a oferta de programas europeos @s alumn@s dos Ciclos Superiores.

En canto a información esté dispoñible, será publicada neste espazo e na pantalla de información do hall do noso centro.


Publicánse as normas baixo as cales se desenrolará o proxecto ERASMUS  no CIFP FERROLTERRA

The CIFP FERROLTERRA aims to integrate the fundamental pillars for quality education, mobility, foreign languages and tic´s training for students and for teachers.
Ensure that the implementation of workplace training abroad is an attractive option for our students and it is incorporated into standard practice.We will establish contacts with foreign institutions (Governs,Schools and Companies) located in all European Union,with activities related to the specialties offered at the CIFP FERROLTERRA trying to gather the most appropiated placement and specialists in each mobility for our Students and Teachers.
The projects give particular importance to transfer of knowledge between participating countries and participants and influence the use of foreign languages and new technologies
This objective will include actions such as
- Specific attention to physical disability.
- Selection process based not only on purely academic criteria.
- Publicity, using the means available, of concepts of non-discrimination,
- Especial attention to groups at risk of social exclusion.
All of this is intended to contribute to the idea that the whole Europe is our labour market, that language learning is already an indispensable tool and that training throughout working life is not an option but a reality.

Respect in full the principles of non-discrimination set out in the Programme and ensure equal access and
opportunities to mobile participants from all backgrounds.

Ensure full recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and, where possible,
traineeships in terms of credits awarded (ECTS or compatible system.). Ensure the inclusion of
satisfactorily completed study and/or traineeship mobility activities in the final record of student
achievements (Diploma Supplement or equivalent).

Publish and regularly update the course catalogue on the website of the Institution well in advance of the
mobility periods, so as to be transparent to all parties and allow mobile students to make well-informed
choices about the courses they will follow.

Always under Staff supervision and once the Erasmus charter is aproved, the European programs coordinator thogether with the Work placements department will contact with the suitable partners, both companys and institutions will be selected attending previous experiences, reports from national agencies and contact seminars.
Focused on our student´s preferences/studies we will select only those which achive the maximum of warranties of quality and safety to send the students to the rigth place.
Jointly with our partner/supervisor in the selected country/company we will set the working rules, those must be followed by the students.The phone calls, emails and videoconference should be the common ways to keep communication between the school and the students, using tic´s and getting more confidence with new tecnologies.
Students will receive a certificate and they will have to present a fully report about various aspects of their Work placement experience.

One of the conditions in the selection process is the interview with the European programs coordinator, whole interview will be in English by this way we will ensure the rigth level of competences.Even when the student had another hi level of foreing language; French, German,etc, and should be interested to do the mobility in that country and don´t have enough English knowledge ,must show B2 level (European Language Systems) in that Country´s language.
Once the studentes are selected, we will start the language trainning courses at our school or at Official School of
languages before travel abroad and if should be possible continue in the country of work placements.

To ensure the proper Work placements, we will keep in touch with the students and tutors from local Schools and
Companys.The student must send weekly a report to the School, all kind of methods are avaliable for comunications, Phone, email or videoconference.Always will be somebody near to solve and help in case of problems or doubts.
Both, outgoing and incoming students will had the confidence that they are not alone in a foreign country, all members of our School will help with assistance, language support, logistics, etc.
Development of an individualized activity program taking into account the particular characteristics of the student,the
general objectives of the mobility or the possibility of the host organization.

We will arrange language courses at our School or in a language academy according with the preferences or requeriments of incoming students.
At School there are some teachers with good level of English language, there will not be problem of comunication.Even , close to our School we have the Official Languages School, with several diferent languages and teachers who will help us if necessary.
There are a lot of resources avaliables.

By the Work placement certification obtained at the end of that period, the institution will recognize the work and effort made by students along the 410Work placement Hours. according to the established educational program.
Based on tutor´s report, his visits and interviews with the company´s tutor the students will be certified on their
workplacement and finally they will get the Title of their studies.
The certification will recognize 22 ETC´S valued for life learning activities
The School will give in addition a certificate.
Make available to the educational community the necessary information that individual motivations to participatewill be placed within the set of goals of our school

This fantastic program will help us improve our personal goals, comparing local and foreing lifestyles, costums, preferences and needs related to education, works, foreign languages,skills,culture.....
The Erasmus experiences will help to the comunity to understand the importance of foreing language in this society.
Our comunity will be informed througth local media, board notice at school, School´s hall proyector, school´s webpage and infomation seasons dedicated to share with all members the benefits of this kind of mobilities.
We will provide all necesary information to make possible this experience, from academic advice to, languages, logistics, acommodation, etc.
All of us will learn from this really nice experiences across Europe.

Our school CIFP FERROLTERRA, will work with all possible options to achive high quality projects, working with National Agencies, Governs, Councils, Schools, Companys, etc.
All new ideas and suggestions will be studied by the Staff, European programs coordinator and the Guidance department.
We will promote the Erasmus Charter into our School comunity, through our web page, At the Students Welcome Event, In Teachers meetings, specially at the beginning of academic year, at the programs coordinator Time table to attend and help to all interested Students and Teachers.and in local media such as newspaper and radio interviews.
The participants will receive a certificate and students will receive in addition 22 ETC´S valid for University.


O programa ERASMUS  está diseñado para a mellora de competencias do alumnado de Ciclos Superiores, posibilizando que realicen a FCT nun país comunitario supervisados por un socio europeo da nosa escola.

Incluso en futuras actualizacións, tamén o profesorado se podería beneficiar deste programa europeo.

A oportunidade única que se lles presenta a estos alumn@s, mellora as competencias en materia laboral, linguística e persoal, axudando a completar o currículo do alumno  e facendo que se desenvolvan con autonomía pese a estar en outro país moi diferente do noso.

Temos solicitado este programa para o noso centro e os Ciclos Superiores, agora só queda agardar ós resultados, aínda que seguimos a traballar na búsca de socios, preparación de visitas, preparación linguística, etc.

En canto teñamos novas sobre este novo proxecto, publicarémolo aquí na web e na pantalla de información do hall do centro.


Bóas novas para a nosa comunidade educativa, o CIFP FERROLTERRA, seguindo coas actividades en colaboración co resto de CIFP de Galicia e coa Consellería de Educación ven de acadar a continiudade e ampliación do proxecto Leonardo da Vinci. Baixo o nome "EUROPE NEXT STATION II" dáse continuidade e mellora ó proxecto do ano anterior.

Nesta nova andadura temos concedidas para o noso centro, 6 prazas para alumn@s de ciclos de grado medio, que poderán realizar  a FCT completa nun país Europeo aínda sen definir, xa que será en función dos intereses do alumnado e dos socios comunitarios dispoñibles.

Se estás interesad@, infórmate en canto comence o novo curso 2013/2014, xa que as prazas son limitadas e someteránse ó proceso de selección, segundo o cal se garanta o aproveitamento da FCT e o aprendizaxe/mellora de lingua Inglesa mediante a correspondente preparación linguística.

Apúntate a unha experenza única!


Finalmente dóus dos nosos alumnos dos ciclos medios de; Electromecánica de Vehículos Automóbiles e Mecanizado tras realizar unha profunda preparación linguística no idioma Inglés , viaxáron a Jelenia Góra ,(POLONIA)  para realizar as 5 semáns de prácticas da FCT.

Os alumnos integráronse plenamente no día a día das empresas correspondentes e realizaron os séus traballos con profesionalidade, deixándo as portas abertas para que máis compañeiros poidan repetir a experenza en anos vindeiros.

Dende o CIFP FERROLTERRA  trabállase para poder ampliar a oferta dos programas europeos a máis estudantes.


O CIFP Ferrolterra traballa nas relacións internacionáis para que os seús alumnos poidan realizar o módulo da FCT nun país Europeo, e así mellorar as súas competencias linguísticas, profesionáis e persoáis con total autonomía.

Dende a conversión en CIFP e xunto co resto de Centros Intergrados de FP formámos parte do proxecto europeo "EUROPE NEXT STATION" que permite que  tres alumn@s realicen 5 semanas das prácticas de FCT  nun país europeo supervisados polo noso socio de proxecto en ese país.

Nesta ocasión os alumnos teñen previsto  realizar 5 semáns da FCT en JELENIA GÓRA (POLONIA) para completar os seús estudos.

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