


Hola a tod@s, 

Las clases de alemán serán los martes 16 a 18h y las de inglés los viernes de 16 a 18. Comenzamos este miercoles día 1 de Octubre
Los 5 "elegidos" es obvio que debéis venir todo lo que podáis. Y el resto, aunque no esteis elegidos, sería recomendable, por si hubiera alguna plaza más. Además, los que pudierais estar interesados en las plazas que surjan en "the job" a partir de Enero de 2015 deberíais venir porque van a valorar muchísimo el hecho tener nociones de alemán.
Por favor confirmad por correo electrónico si vais a venir o no (habitualmente) para estimar la saturación del grupo.
Un saludo a todos

Baremación Erasmus 2014/2015

Os adjuntamos la baremación realizada y el orden en la lista para las becas Erasmus 2014/2015. 

Como es el primer año que tenemos Carta Erasmus sólo nos han concedido 5 becas como centro. En total son 5250€, por lo que cada una es por un importe aproximado de 1050€, porque hay que prorratear la duración de cada estancia.
Aparte de nuestras becas propias tendremos (y esto todavía nos lo tienen que confirmar) 1 beca más a través del Consorcio Praxeuropa.
Ahora debemos hablar con cada uno de vosotros (en principio llamaremos a los 5 primeros de la lista) para que decidáis en firme que queréis hacer. En caso de rechazos iremos notificando sucesivamente. Sólo tenemos contactos en Alemania y Finlandia así  que los que decidáis hacer las prácticas en otro país tendréis que buscar la empresa para poder hacer las gestiones. En caso de no hacerlo y no querer hacer prácticas en los únicos países donde nosotros tenemos contactos pasaríamos al siguiente en la lista. Iré actualizando la lista en este mismo post a medida que surjan cambios.
En Alemania los alojamientos en familias de acogida están saliendo por unos 700€ con comida incluida (10 semanas-12 semanas), así que no os asustéis por el nivel de vida. 
Como algunos ya sabéis, ha surgido otra opción más: el programa "The job of my life". Vamos a hacerlo a través de una socia nueva en Alemania. El programa  consiste en realizar las FP Dual en Alemania, de forma remunerada. Es decir os pagarían mientras trabajáis y os formáis en un centro alemán, aproximadamente unos 800€/mes. La formación dura unos 3 años e implica un poco volver a empezar, pero al terminar sabríais hablar alemán, tendríais un título alemán y tendríais trabajo allí (y probablemente donde os diese la gana). Hay plazas para todas las especialidades y no requieres de la beca Erasmus porque os pagarían (tardan unos meses), así que si alguien quiere que lo gestionemos por favor que lo indique. 
Otra cosa más: Suíza está fuera del programa Erasmus, así que no hay beca ninguna para este país.
Nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para la formación lingüstica a partir de Septiembre.
En cuanto a las fechas de las movilidades empezaremos en el segundo trimestre los de Estadías (porque para el primero vamos muy justos), los de FCT en sus períodos normales (excepto este de Septiembre), y los de job of my life creo que en Enero 2015 (y si encontramos alguna fórmula, es posible que antes).





Sara Portas Valdivieso

FCT (1º)



Humberto López Ortuño




Xosé Manuel Naveiras Romero




Roberto Sanjuán Caínzos

FCT (1º) o Estadía. Baja



Cesar Caaveiro Corral




Alejandro Manso Loureiro

FCT (1º)



David Lombardero Tojeiro




Diego Gonzalez Pallarés

Titulado. Baja 19/1/2015



Diego Díaz López

FCT (1º)



Kevin Fraga Hermida

 Se da de baja



Rubén Fernández Pedreira

FCT (1º)



Brais Fernández




Juan Gabriel Requejo Vazquez

FCT/ Titulado



Pablo Lata Mosquera

FCT (1º)



Iván Regueiro Feal

 Se da de baja



Alejandro Franco Yañez

FCT o Estadía



Javier García Yusta

FCT (1º)



Daniel Tenreiro Souto




Jorge Porca López




Rubén Benito Figueroa




Ignacio Jesús Piñeiro Ruano




David Prieto Currás

FCT (1º) o Estadía



Jairo Rivero Pichel

FCT (1º)



Diego Gómez García




Marcos Saavedra Díaz




Jose Luis Seone Gabeiras




Alberto Fernández López




Oscar Seone Gabeiras




Jorge Lavín Boó




Martín Díaz Montero




Miguel Chan Aneiros




Carla Martinez Pose




Daniel Arribe Gonzalez




Guillermo Pereira Iglesias

Fuera de plazo (septiembre 2014)


Candidatos de Grado Medio para Mobilidades Next Station III. 2014-2015

No ficheiro que se achega pódese consultar a listaxe de alumnos de Ciclos de Grado Medio que están sendo avaliados para participar nunha das mobilidades do programa Next Station III

Candidatos de Grado Superior para Mobilidades Erasmus +

No ficheiro que se achega pódese consultar a listaxe de alumnos de Ciclos de Grado Superior que están sendo avaliados para participar nunha das mobilidades do noso centro dentro do programa Erasmus +

Biblionovas Ferrolterra

Xa temos funcionando o blogue Biblionovas Ferrolterra dende a Endlg e dende a equipa da Biblioteca vos animos a participar, tanto lendo como aportando novas da vosa familia profesional, ou de calquer outra temática. 



Annex to the Erasmus Policy: Phases of Erasmus + project:

The CIFP Ferrolterra is a centre committed to quality and continuous improvement. One of our goals to continuous improvement is the "internationalization" of our centre. Definitely this experience will enhance the employability of our students and will increase its competitiveness in the face of job hunting on the one hand, and promote a higher level of education among the students on the other hand. Furthermore, the linguistic skills and interculturalism of the students will be better and they will learn working methods of other countries that may lead to entrepreneurial projects in ours.

Our overall strategy is focused on student mobility to practices in workplacements abroad.

: Our organization will advertise the Erasmus + project in a variety of media, reporting the number of places, scholarships, possible destinations, candidate selection criteria, assessments, etc. . The media will be:

- Website

- Projection in the centre hall

- Informing teachers of students

- Group Presentations

- Local press news

The selection criteria will look for the accuracy of the candidates and will be:

• ACADEMIC RECORD (30 % ) of the studies to date

• LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (30 % ) of the country of destination and / or English by an oral interview.


• TEACHER TEAM EVALUATION (30 %) of the accuracy of candidates based on: maturity, autonomy, motivation, commitment, flexibility, responsibility and interest in the work, attendance, correction in communication, appropriate personal behaviour to situations, degree of initiative, teamwork ability, overcoming difficulties or conflicts, organizational skills and acceptance of criticism.

• Students who have obtained a scholarship in a previous program and had rejected without good reason evidence are discarded.

: Once publicized, we will establish a deadline for applications for approximately one month. The form will be available on the website and will be spread in the centre, as well as the selection criteria, politics and procedures.

: Various committees will be formed for assessing candidates and they will be formed by a representative of the management team, the coordinator of international programs and teams of teachers according to the specialty of candidates.

: Personal interviews will begin approximately in December or January. Following the interview and after confirmation of an email contact, the Coordinator of International Programs will request by email to the candidates their Europass CV and other information needed to perform all the steps of mobility. Four requirements for student will be sent with a lapse of one week between each requirement. If after that time the student has not answered and sent all required documentation (unless justified by force majeure) it will be considered that the candidate refuses and it will be removed from the list and its place would be for the next candidate . This procedure is valid for the entire process to ensure its agility.

: It will start the language training of the various destination countries, culture and specific technical terminology of professional families.

: The ordered result list of applicants including reserves will be published on the website. That list will be sent by email to the stakeholders and tutors. The approximate publication of the list will be in June.

Lists of medium level vocational students will be separated according to flows of mobility and type of mobility, (mobilities of FCT from September to December, mobilities of recent graduates and mobilities from March to June 2016, or other depending on how the regional government provides us the scholarships.

Lists of high level vocational students will be published together because we know a priori how many scholarships we will have because they have own management and therefore it is possible to do so. The same applies to scholarships Praxeuropa Consortium.

In addition to this, the tutors of the students will be called to inform them about the selected students and the process.

: Remaining in the list implies that two months before the mobility students are able to do it, that is, those students who have failed modules at that time without a positive report from their teacher teams about a high probability of passing, will be deleted from the list. This is because it is needed at least two months to find a company abroad, accommodation, preparing documentation, managing insurance, inspection authorizations etc. In this case this would be replaced for the next candidate. This approach is absolutely dependent on the grade record on that date, 2 months before the mobility and it depends on the tudent exclusively to stay in the starting position in the list.

Also if at any point of the process the candidate fails to comply with any standard of living of the CIFP Ferrolterra and / or rules of the FCT (DOG) it will be excluded from the process.

It will be coordinated with the host partner if any and if not directly with the company the accuracy of the job training. Students can seek their companies for training if they wish.

: Students will be helped with the travel management: purchase flights, search for accommodation, travel insurance and other needs that arise.

10º: Once in the destination country there will be a permanent contact with the students and the hosting company to coordinate practices or help if there is any problem. Everything related to the documentation required for carrying out the practices will be electronically coordinated.

The student is required to send by email to his tutor a monitoring report every 15 days.

In the case of students of high level of vocational studies the project module will be managed directly between tutor and student, without any intervention of international programs.

11º: Once back, the documentation will be completed and will be advertised again the whole experience: pictures, students’ talks, website, press releases, etc. . . .

The student is required to fill and submit all required documentation to close the project.

12º: We will track the employability of these students or whether they go on studying or not. 


We are currently publicizing to our foreign partners our willingness to accept or host foreigner students for company practices in our environment. In this case:

1º: We will collaborate in preparing the necessary documentation for partners

: We will search for companies depending on the applicants

: We will help to manage stays, meals, transportation and integration of the students in their company practices.

: Students will be received by the coordinator of international programs and a member of the management team to show them the centre, accompanying them to the company and help them with documentation, signing contracts, etc..

: During the stay we will be in close contact with the trainees, with regular visits to the work placement to ensure proper development practices and a pleasant stay.

: We will advertise it in local press, website, talks, etc. . . .

Os compañeir@s que están en Alemania nos envían estas fotos

Fotos enviadas por Débora, que está facendo as súas prácticas en Mercedes Bremen:

Mercedes BremenDéboraRúas Bremen

Fotos enviadas por Dea Cobaleda, que está facendo as prácticas na Grunewald

Residencia de Dea (Empresa Grunewald)

Xa temos Carta Erasmus!

Visita de profesores fineses no CIFP Ferrolterra

Esta semana visitáronos un grupo de profesores fineses da familia de "Madeira" para ver os nosos talleres e ver como traballamos. Querían ademais ver talleres tradicionais de madeira así que fomos ate Xermade para visitar a un torneiro de fama mundial.

Compañeiros en Alemania

5 compañeiros de grado superior das especialidades de Automatización e Robótica Industrial, Automoción e Construccións Metálicas xa se atopan en Alemania para facer a FCT na "Mercedes Benz" en Berlín e Bremen e tamén na empresa que fabrica pezas para o Airbus "Grunewald GmbH & Co. KG". Esperamos noticias e fotos!