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Seccións bilingües

BILINGUAL SECTIONS: Our trip to London

A group of students from the bilingual sections of IES Cabo Ortegal were in London between 8th and 13th April, 2011. They went there with Beatriz Otero and Aniana Díaz, two teachers of the bilingual team.

Un grupo de alumnos das seccións bilingües do IES Cabo Ortegal estiveron en Londres entre os días 8 e o 13 de abril de 2011. Foron alí con Beatriz Otero e Aniana Díaz, dúas profesoras do equipo de bilingües.


These are some of the things that they tell us about their trip:

Estas son algunhas das cousas que nos contan da súa viaxe:


DANI STOPPED THE LONDON EYE. On Monday we went to the London Eye. On our arrival, Dani said: "I dont want to ride!!". They had to stop the London Eye and, however, he didn't ride. Aniana stayed with him. From the upper part we saw the whole city. Brais.

DANI DETIVO O LONDON EYE. O luns fomos ao London Eye. Na nosa chegada, Dani dixo: "Non quero montar!". Tiveron que parar a noria e, sen embargo, non montou. Aniana quedouse con el. Dende enriba vimos toda a cidade. Brais.


DAMARA AND THE CROWS. We were in St. James Park having some sandwiches and Damara still had some bread left. She stood up and fed the crows that were over there. Diego.

DAMARA E OS CORVOS. Estabamos en St James Park tomando uns sandwiches e a Damara aínda lle quedaba algo de pan. Levantouse e deu de comer aos corvos que estaban por alí. Diego.


LONDON TOWER. When we arrived there, we saw the Crown Jewels and the other places. We also saw the change of guard and the beefeaters, who took a photograph with us. Brais.

A TORRE DE LONDRES. Cando chegamos alí, vimos as xoias da coroa e outros lugares. Tamén vimos o cambio de garda e os beefeaters, que sacaron unha foto con nós. Brais.


"IN FIVE MINUTES I'M COMING...". The last day we couldn't open the toilet door of our room. Then we told the receptionist our problem. He replied: "In five minutes I'm coming". We returned to our room and we waited for more than one hour. He didn't come and we had to leave, because it was the time to go to the airport. Eventually, we had to leave our clening things in the bathroom. We were very angry.

"VOU EN CINCO MINUTOS..." O último día non podíamos  abrir a porta do baño da habitación. Entón dixemos ao recepcionista o problema. El contestou: "Vou en cinco minutos". Volvimos á nosa habitación e esperamos alí durante máis dunha hora. Non veu e tivemos que marchar, porque era hora de ir ao aeroporto. Finalmente tivemos que deixar os nosos productos de aseo no baño. Estabamos realmente enfadadas. Andrea.













































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by Dr. Radut