Thanksgiving 2018


This year, Thanksgiving was celebrated on Thursday, November 22nd in the United States. At school, we celebrated the holiday with crafts, reflection, and a video conference with an American family in New Jersey!

The preschoolers made corn with red, orange, yellow and black kernels; crafted turkeys made out of their hands; and made cornucopias with pumpkins, apples, squash and grapes.


The first and second graders made pilgrims and indians for the Thanksgiving mural. There are some indians in canoes next to Mayflower!


The third graders reflected on what they were thankful for with moving pictures. Each picture is illustrated with things such as family, friends and food.


The fifth graders also reflected on what they were thankful for with paper pumpkins. Each strip of paper has a different message giving thanks to family, friends and other things we take for granted.



The sixth graders made teepees using Indian patterns and typical autumn colours. As a finishing touch, they added colourful feathers on top.

In class, the sixth grade learned about typical Thanksgiving food: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pie, biscuits, casserole, cranberry sauce and more. Our students want to try everything!

Finally, on the day of Thanksgiving, the sixth grade hosted a video conference with an American family in New Jersey. They prepared questions such as "What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?" and "What do you do on the day of Thanksgiving?"


What are you thankful for?