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Original Version

Behind the song

“Miña Nai, Miña Naiciña” is a musical arrangement created for Our Partiteka (A Nosa Partiteka) based on a popular Galician melody and text taken from the oral tradition in the Cancioneiro Galego (Galician Songbook) by Jesús Bal y Gay and Eduardo M. Torner published in 1973 by the Barrié de la Maza Foundation .

The music of the Galician oral tradition was known and spread mainly through the family and in the countryside.

The family and its joint celebrations are aspects of fundamental importance for the survival of popular songs and their transmission from generation to generation.

The music of Galician oral tradition is considered a living repertoire, with continuous changes, with a constant interpretation, renewing and always evolving.
This music adapts to the cultural circumstances of the moment and is enriched with new sounds, rhythms or melodies. It often reaches our ears cut or changed the melody or lyrics, lost along the way ...

Jesús Bal y Gay and Eduardo M. Torner started the Cancioneiro Galego and its compilation of melodies in 1928, so the changes suffered until then were not as significant linguistically, socially, culturally and therefore musically as they are now, almost one hundred years later.

Today there are many factors that are interrupting the transmission of songs and melodies of our tradition, so we must make an effort to listen to them, interpret them, record them and even version them so that they remain and enrich our lives.

“Miña Nai, Miña Naiciña” has many different versions of text and music throughout Galicia.
It is one of the most popular traditional songs in our country. It can be considered a song of lullaby and praise to the mother.

Our version is in the key of A minor and in binary rhythm 2/4.

Its structure is:

 A Familia como "guardiana" da tradición TFG Lara Santos extract & translation

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