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Behind the song

“O Pandeiro e Mailas Cunchas”  is a musical arrangement created for Our Partiteka (A Nosa Partiteka) from two traditional melodies collected in the Cancioneiro Musical de Galicia (Pontevedra Museum and Barrié de la Maza Foundation).
 The Cancioneiro Musical de Galicia was compiled by the Galician folklore researcher and musicologist Casto
Sampedro e Folgar between 1848 and 1924. It was published in 1942 by Xosé Filgueira Valverde (director of the Pontevedra Museum), who ordered and transcribed the files left handwritten by Casto Sampedro.

The importance of this songbook lies in the good preservation of the music and the description of the dances, which is really interesting if we take into account the dates when the collection and subsequent compilation (late 19th Century) and the limited resources that Sampedro and the his collaborators for this purpose.
Among its most important features are:
- originality: it is the first Galician musical songbook with scientific rigor that includes music with its lyrics and, sometimes, the dance that accompanied it.
- covers all popular genres with unpublished examples in almost their entirety.

- large number of melodies collected (500).
- Its unpublished melodies have been used in great symphonic works.
- Many later musicological studies have used this songbook as a source of information.

The musical arrangement "O Pandeiro e Mailas Cunchas" has two melodies taken from the famous songbook:

- muiñeira number 320, dance collected in Negros, Redondela (Pontevedra).
It has the characteristic rhythm of the muiñeira, ternary subdivision 6/8 and cheerful and danceable tempo.

- canto de pandeiro number 52, song collected in O Ribeiro (Ourense).
It is a party song to the percussion instruments of Galician folklore and its lively rhythms.

Its rhythm combines the binary (2/4) and the ternary (3/4) with a cheerful and danceable tempo to the rhythm of the pandeiro.

Wikipedia e Cancioneiro Musical de Galicia extract & translation

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