Correccións das actividades propostas para 2º de EP.

Actividades propostas o 11/05/2020

Write in English:

-Carla is in the bedroom.

-Ryan is in the kitchen.

-Mike is in the living room.

-Jasmin is in the bathroom.

-The cat is in the garden.


-I can paint.I can´t play the guitar.

-I can sing.I can´t dance.

-I can ride a bike.I can´t skip.

-I can make models.


-This is my spider.

-My sister is ten/ten years old.


-I´m wearing a white dress and a blue coat.

-I´m wearing a grey hat,black trousers and a purple coat.

-I´m wearing red shoes and a green dress.

-I´m wearing brown shoes,blue jeans and an orange T-shirt.

-I´m wearing a blue skirt and a white T-shirt.


Ola a tod@s! Espero que vos atopedes ben.Tedes na aula virtual un cuadernillo de actividades de inglés que vos sirven de repaso.Son moi sinxelas,pero podedes revisar:colours,numbers,family,...etc.

O martes poñereivos máis actividades do libro e,o venres,as correccións.Vale?