Musical composition models
Example 1
1.- TITLE |
Blues en Azul |
Rubén Maneiro Home Studio Audiovisual member, with DJ Beat.
Rubén Maneiro |
4.- MUSIC STYLE - Main characteristics |
Blues - Means melancholy or sadness.- Origin in the early twentieth century in African-American communities in the United States, with influence of spirituals, work songs and Scottish and Irish ballads. - It had great influence on Western popular music: rock & roll, funk, heavy metal, pop, hip-hop. |
5.- VOICES |
A solo voice |
6.- TOPIC - Language - Analyse lyrics |
- Language: Galician - Melancholy and sadness. Hoxe sinto outra vez a tristura que eu teño de vez en cando non quero seguir así, vou pintar o mar salgado con o ceo moi clareado todo de tono azulado esto farame esquecer o meu ánimo apesarado, porque todas estas cousiñas pintar, cantar blues e mariñas tornan ledo o meu corazón con azul as penas non son. |
- Melodic section: Voice (main melody) Banjo (melodic accompaniment) - Rhythmic section: Guitar, Bass, Drumkit |
8.- RHYTHM |
-Tempo: Andante, crotchet= 105 - Time Signature: 12/8 - Rhythm pattern, riff: - Rhythmic Instruments: Drumkit, Bass |
9.- MELODY - Vocal range (from the lowest note to the highest) |
- Soloist voice Vocal range: C-E' (10 notes) - Banjo |
10.- HARMONY |
- Key signature: C minor - Chords: I-IV-I-I - IV-IV-I-I – V-IV-I-I - Harmonic Instruments: Guitar, Bass |
11.-STRUTURE - Sections |
- 12-bar Blues
12.- FORM (simple, binary, ternary, blues) |
- Ternary |
13.- SCORE |
Example 2
1.- TITLE |
Reggae da Túa Voz |
Rubén Maneiro Home Studio Audiovisual member, with DJ Beat. |
Rubén Maneiro |
4.- MUSIC STYLE - Main characteristics |
Reggae - It was born in the mid-1960s in Jamaica as a derivation of Rocksteady, Ska, traditional African music ... |
5.- VOICES |
A solo voice |
6.- TOPIC - Language - Analyse lyrics
- Language: Galician - Love & nostalgia Quixera verte aquí se ti queres pensa que o tempo pasa axiña Ao lembrarme de ti sempre quero volver coma antes a tocar xuntos. A túa voz me dirá que a deixe sentir no fondo de min mesmo e a túa canción me encherá de emoción e me porá moi ledo. (BIS) Quero escoitar a túa voz cantando reggae para volver a sentirte moi preto. Así hei ficar aquí sempre agardando a que a túa voz me fale de ti. |
- Melodic section: Voice, Keyboard (intro) - Rhythmic section: Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, Drumkit |
8.- RHYTHM |
-Tempo: Adagio, crotchet= 90 - Time Signature: 4/4 - Rhythmic pattern: - Rhythmic Instruments: Guitar, Drumkit |
9.- MELODY |
- Soloist, voice - Vocal range: C-C' (8 notes) |
10.- HARMONY |
- Key Signature: C Major -Chords: I-IV-V7-I I-II7-V7-I I-V7-IV-I VI-II7-IV-I - Harmonic Instruments: Keyboard, Bass |
11.- STRUCTURE - Sections (intro-verse-chorus-bridge-coda...) |
- Intro: 8 bars - Verse 1: 16 bars - Chorus: 16 bars - Verse 2: 16 bars |
12.- FORM (simple, binary, ternary, blues) |
- Binary |
13.- SCORE |
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