Activity 4
Choose & analyse songs
We have to decide with which sogs we are giving the note!
There are many songs that we like to play,
but we have to focus and decide between the whole group 2:
- The style of the song must be suited to our musical band.
- The difficulty of interpretation is affordable for us (although we know that we will have to rehearse and work a lot)
We choose two songs with different musical styles.
Then, our repertoire will be varied and attactive.
Once elected the two songs we investigate and analyse them in detail.
Each group will write an analysis report for each original song (two reports in total):
We will share all this knowledge in our music blog,
upload the presentation of our analysis.
As always, each member will make a brief comment about the songs.
We have in the HELP BOX an original song analysis.
No DISCO CLUB podemos escoitar moitas cancións
e elexir as que máis nos gusten para versionar o noso grupo:
Para a presentación podemos ter en conta as suxerencias dadas na actividade 3 deste obradoiro.
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