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2nd Transnational SFATE Meeting: Caen

Thu, 13/07/2017
Short Summary: 
The second transnational meeting of the Sfate project within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 programme, took place from 10th to 13th July in Caen (France). The Galician Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University Management (coordinating partner of the project) attended the meeting along with the rest of the Sfate partners. The aim of the meeting was making different visits related to smartfarming in the agriculture of the region of Normandy:
  • Visit to the "AGRI' UP Village" managed by the Chamber of Agriculture of Caen, which is a specific program that allowed startups making tests in a network of 3000 farms. A few examples are:
    • energy savings through sensors in milk processing plants to measure machinery energy consumption while being operated by workers.
    • artificial intelligence for online marketing, mainly used in agro-tourism.
  • Visit to the Dôme FABLAB, focused on creating and sharing joint work areas. The following tools (among others) were presented: the virtual reality glasses that can be used for the design of smart farms structures, the "Normandie's DRAAF program" and also the horticulture virtual 3D robot, which is being used by training centers as a pedagogical tool.
  • Visit to Blanche Maison experimental farm, which is aimed at testing new technologies and transfering the resulting knowledge to farmers.


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