Punto Laranxa contra o acoso escolar


Highly recommended websites for summer practice

Dear students,

As the academic year is coming to an end, I would like to wish you all a very nice summer holiday and recommend you two websites which will surely be useful to practise and improve your English.

The first one is mainly for listening practice. It is: www.bbc.co.uk/radio.

I am sure everybody has heard about the BBC, if not I will tell you it is the English equivalent for RTVE. BBC has got several radio stations:BBC1,2,3... one of them broadcasts only music. These stations are for fluent speakers of English. As you scroll down the page, you will see a section called:"LEARNING ENGLISH"", click on it and You are ready to start. You need to have REAL PLAYER installed, otherwise you won't be able to listen. To instal REAL PLAYER, go to google, type the words REAL PLAYER, choose one of the sites on the list and download the free version.

The second one is www.isabelperez.com. There is plenty of stuff here: grammar and vocabulary exercises, phonetics, culture, practice for University Entrance exams,  songs... You have both the lyrics and the recording and several exercises are provided as practice. I am sure everybody will find something of interest, since Isabel has created a website that caters for all tastes. So go for it and do your best.


Receitas típicas Inglesas

The Union Jack

Click on the following recipes and find out how they are made.

Try them out yourself at home and then treat your friends.

Good luck in the kitchen!


Sausage Rolls

Fish and Chips

Cornish Pasty

Apple Crumble




If you have any doubts, just ask your English teacher we'll be glad to help.

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