O MULTITUDINARIO E TRADICIONAL CROSS, coñecido en todo o Morrazo, xuntou outra vez a máis de 500 deportistas escolares e un gran grupo de populares de todas partes das Rías Baixas.
The crowded and tradicional Cross, known throughout Morrazo, again joined more than 500 school athletes and a large group of popular ones from everywhere in the Rías Baixas.
Familias e nenos/as non quixeron perderse esta competición e acudiron, coma sempre, a compartir unhas horas de deporte e festa.
Families and kids didn´t want to miss this competition and went, as usual, sharing a few hours of sport and party.
Aquí aparecen algúns alumnos de 2º de Primaria do noso centro. Antonio, Hugo Barcia e Cancelas corren coma lebres...Bravoooo!
Here are some students of the 2nd Primary of our school. Antonio, Hugo Barcia e Cancelas run like hares...Bravoooo!
As categorías dos máis pequenos foron as que máis participantes tiñan, producíndose caidas en cadena...
The categories of the youngest children were those who had more participants, chain fall in place...
Eso quer dicir que hai un bo futuro deportivo para estes cativos. Ánimo...!
That means that there is a good sports future for these young children.
Que dicir dos "olímpicos", menores de 3 anos que para o vindeiro curso estarán con nós.
What about the "Olimpic", under 3 years for the next academic year will be with us.
Como broche, a participación dalgunhas nais do colexio e outras competidoras procedentes de diversas zonas do Morrazo e arredores.
As a brooch, the participation of some mothers of school and other competitors from different zones Morrazo area.
DAR MOITAS GRACIAS AO ANPA MADREBOA POLA SÚA DEDICACIÓN E TRABALLO, xa que sin elas este evento non se desenrolaría.
Así como outras tarefas que organizan e das que se fan cargo durante os longos cursos lectivos no colexio.
Give much thanks to ANPA MADREBOA for their dedication and work, because without them this event wouldn´t do it.
Like other tasks that organize and make during the long academic years in school.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!!!!
GRACIAS, A TODOS ESES NEGOCIOS GRANDES E PEQUENOS que donaron de forma desinteresada o que puderon nesteS tempos tan difíciles.
Thanks to all these large and small business owners that gave with no interests, as much as possible this so hard time.