OS MANDATOS DA CURUXA fixeron que houbera que vir cada día desta semana coas follas dunha árbore diferente como complemento. O mércores con fentos...
THE OWL´S MANDATES made that, every day of this week, everybody had to come with a different tree leaves as complement. On Wednesday with fern...
Mums and dads, and even grandmas and teachers worked together in the workshops to get ready the costumes.
Nais e pais, e incluso avoas e mestras traballaron xuntos nos obradoiros para ter listos os disfraces.
Este ano triunfa o natural, árbores, animais do bosque e incluso algún elemento máxico, non olvidedes o nome do desfile "O BOSQUE ANIMADO".
This year the natural is the best, trees, animals from the forest and even some magical element, don´t forget the name of the parade "THE ANIMATED FOREST".
WE INVITE YOU TO COME TO THE PARADE, tomorrow at 13h around Tirán streets!!! You will love it!!!
INVITÁMOSCHE A VIR AO DESFILE, mañá ás 13h polas rúas de Tirán!!!! Encantarache!!!