Idioma Estranxeiro


Cheeky has followed Toribio's commands. Look!

Monday - Something on your neck.

Tuesday - Something inside out.

Wednesday - Something on your face.

 Thursday - Something on your head.

Friday - Put your costume on!!!

Happy Carnival!!!

Getting dressed! Is it hot or cold?

I'm cold, cold, cold. I put my jumper on. I'm cold, cold, coldI put my coat on. I'm cold, cold, cold.

I'm hot, hot, hot. I put my t-shirt on. I'm hot, hot, hot. I put my shorts on. I'm hot, hot, hot.

Classroom objects and colours

Reviewing classroom objects... What's in your pencil case?


Mixing colours was fun! Do you remember all of them? 

Red and yellow make...

Blue and yellow make...

Red and blue make...

Red, yellow and blue make...


Clothes and weather

Winter began on December 21st and we've been studying the weather and clothes since then. Can you remember the 4 seasons? SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN and ... 

Review these words:

Finding out about colours

Last week, we've been finding out about colours. With just three of them (RED, YELLOW and BLUE), we could make four more colours: ORANGE, GREEN, PURPLE and BROWN. It is incredible, isn't it? That's why red, yellow and blue are called primary colours. Here are some pictures:

Santa left a present for Cheeky

When we came back to school after Christmas, we found a present at our class, a small red present. It had a note on it which said: "TO CHEEKY, FROM SANTA". When we opened it, we found clothes, four pieces of clothing: a jumper, a coat, a scarf and a hat. We put them on Cheeky and we prepared him for the winter. Do you want to see that moment?

Merry Christmas

Here you can see how we celebrated Christmas at our school. We learnt about this celebration around the world. We enjoyed the story about Rudolph, Santa's favourite reindeer. Do you remember what colour is Rudolph's nose?

Cheeky brought us some stars to decorate our Christmas trees. What colour were them ?

And we sang some Christmas carols. Here are two of them. It was fun!


Merry Christmas  and a Happy New Year!!!


As Christmas is near, children all over the world are writing their letters to Santa or the Three Wise Men asking for presents. Ben, Lisa, Sally and Peter have chosen their favourite toys.

And you? What is your favourite toy?

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