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Sesión final EUROSCOLA 26 abril 2024

Unha vez máis funos invitados a participar on line en EUROSCOLA, nesta ocasión co tema “PROTECTING DEMOCRACY AND FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS IN EUROPE”, e que se desenvolverá a mañá do 26 de abril entre as 10:00 e as 12:30, con arreglo ao seguinte programa:

Esta parte xa a sabedes: necesitamos que vos rexistredes, tanto alumnado como profesorado. Debe constar...

In order to validate the participation of all students, we kindly ask you to send this registration form to your students' parents via the following link:

We would appreciate if each and every participant, both students and teachers, could complete the registration form as soon as possible.

In the image right form, please mention Visitors and Citizens Liaison Unit – Strasbourg regarding "Unit and person in charge of data processing (the data controller)". 

blog | by Dr. Radut