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 An introduce to  Henri Matisse (1869 – 1954)  

 Henri Matisse, grabador - Colección Gelonch-Viladegut

   Matisse Biography:watch this  video 

Henri Matisse was a French artist famous for creating pictures with lots of colours and simple shapes.

He is mainly Known as a painter, but he was also a printmaker (diseñador), sculptor (escultor)and draughtsman (dibujante).

Matisse was one of the main artist who create modern art 

early in the 20th century.



Matisse. Gran interior rojo, 1948 | ArteHabitat


Observa a forza e a importancia da cor para Matisse.  Cando pinta este cadro  ten case 80 anos. Inspírase na realidade, pero a representa a súa maneira, cunha gran liberdade. A obra de Matisse é xenerosa, alegre. 



Daisies Painting - Daisies by Henri Matisse 1919 by Henri Matisse


  Daisies by Henri Matisse 1919


*Activity: Learn how to paint like Matisse 


Learn how to paint like Matisse by making a simple still life, adding lots of patterns, and then covering with pretty colors.


Matisse´s garden  :  video


Painting with ScissorsMatisse Cutouts


During the last decade of his life, Matisse could not create art in the same manner as he once did due to his declining health. He began to create by painting paper and cutting out shapes. He "painted" with scissors. These shapes were simple but expressive. Using scissors he created a magical world of plants, animals, figures and shapes.

 Observe these paintings of Matisse: 

Ver las imágenes de origen

           Composición , negro y rojo, 1947


Ver las imágenes de origen

    Las abejas , 1948  . 

 Maqueta para las ventanas laterales de la   capilla del Rosario en Vence (Francia)


* Actividad: Crea una obra inspirándote en los recortes de Matisse y en la silueta de un pájaro.

Acuerdate de :

- Simplificar los dibujos con formas geométricas

- Experimentar el contraste de colores




- cut outs : recortes

- bird: pájaro

- shapes: formas

- composition: composición

- simple : sencillo

- silhouette : silueta




Drawing with Scissors – Matisse Cutouts

 Matisse, recortando la verdad con tijeras -

   "La gavilla", is  painting of Henri Matisse 1953

Gavilla De Espigas De Trigo Secadas Imagen de archivo - Imagen de hornada,  rural: 21190915

sheaf of wheat 



A collage art lesson inspired in the painting "La gavilla " 

* Activity: Create A Matisse inspired cutout

- Cut out some shapes 

- Cut different sizes

- Try different shapes

- Use negative space

- Rearrange until you are happy

- Stick


 Ver las imágenes de origen

 Henri Matisse- Polynesia, The Sea (1946)

This painting is about a trip Matisse had taken many years ago to the island of Tahití, in Polinesia . He had become fascinated by the sea  shapes .

* Identify the shapes you can see in the painting 


                             SEA ANIMALS IN ENGLISH



A bow tie



Archivo:Cornucopias.svg - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

CORNUCOPIA (Cuerno de la abundancia)

Draw a Thanksgiving turkey with your hand



Handprint Turkey craft for Thanksgiving :



 Ver las imágenes de origen

* She is a Japonese artist   


* She was borned in Matsumoto in 1929

* She loves dots

* She makes paintings, sculptures, performances and installations.

* There is a Yayoi Kusama museum in Tokyo


 Yayoi Kusama para niños >


 Japanese Artist Series for kids | Yayoi Kusama (video)


                "Dots"  Yayoi Kusama, 2004


Nos vamos a inspirar en este cuadro "Dots" para hacer un mural colectivo todas las aulas de ARTS  con círculos redondos (stickers)





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