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Activities done by short exchange Austrian students during their stay in Lugo.

These are some of the activities done by short exchange Austrian students during their stay in Lugo.

-TV News. Elaboration of a TV news report with actual news about migrants in the two countries, Spain and Austria. Students play the role of TV reporters. 

-Photos. Pictures about the main moments of Austrians’ stay, such as visiting Viladonga’s hillfort, Lugo’s Vello Cárcere or food market of main products of both countries.

-Orienting race. Activity done in Lugo’s park Rosalía de Castro with questions and clues about cultural things and migratory movements.


-Film. Watching a movie about real situations endured by migrants when trying to come to a new country.

-Interview for Radio Cope. Dissemination. Austrian and Spanish teacher interviewed.


Entrevista radio visita austríacos enero 2020.mp419.04 MB
Working on TV news.jpg3.98 MB
Visit Lugo's Old prison 1.jpg4 MB
Viladonga's Hillfort.jpg4.36 MB
Town Hall 5.jpg145.3 KB
Roman Wall.jpg7.53 MB
Groups orienting race.jpg6.05 MB
Food market 1.jpg4.09 MB
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