Punto Laranxa contra o acoso escolar

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THE GIANT'S CAUSEWAY. Footprint reading library.

Along the coast of Northern Ireland, there is an unusual place called "The Giant's Causeway." According to a local story, a big man, or "giant", made it. Scientists, however, have a different story. How was this unusual place created? Was there really a giant?

(Welcome the sight and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading library. Accompanied by original video material developed by National Geographic Digital Media, this is the first non fiction reading series to present fascinating real-world stories in three formats: print, audio and video. )

If you want to see the front cover click here: Front Cover

If you want to see a sample of the book click here: Sample


THE LOST CITY OF MACHU PICCHU. Footprint reading library.  

The lost city of Machu Picch is a beautiful city in Peru. It was forgotten for many years, but now many people are visiting it. Some people think that too many vistors may not be good for this old city. What will happen to Machu Picchu?

(Welcome the sight and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading library. Accompanied by original video material developed by National Geographic Digital Media, this is the first non fiction reading series to present fascinating real-world stories in three formats: print, audio and video. )

If you want to see the front cover click here: Front Cover

If you want to see a sample of the book click here: Sample

Lecturas para 4º ESO.

Queremos propoñer dende o departamento de Inglés outras lecturas, esta vez trátase de lecturas moi sinxelas pero de grande interese. Ó ser libros moi curtos no caso de seren elexidos, leríades tres libros, un por cada avaliación.

Lembrade, son libros sinxelos e curtos, e veñen da man da prestixiosa sociedade: National Geographic Digital Media, parte da National Geographic que todos coñecemos ben.

Os primeiros dous títulos que propoñemos son: THE LOST CITY OF MACHU PICCHU and THE GIANT'S CAUSEWAY.

Pronte engadiremos outros títulos para escoller.

Good luck when choosing!

Reading Choice for 4ºESO. Book " The Mind Map"

The Mind Map. David Morrison. Cambridge Discovery Readers.

"Lucho opened his notebook and turned to the page where he had drawn his mind map, but when he saw what had happened to the pages, he almost fell of his chair".

Lucho always thought that homework was boring. But when he draws a mind map to plan an essay on stolen gold, something very strange happens. The mind map is trying to tell him something but what is is?

If you want to know more about the book, click on the link below for a preview of Chapter 1.

If you want to see the front cover of the book click on the link below:

Front Cover

Reading Choice for 4ºESO. Book "Running Wild"

Running Wild. By Margaret Johnson. Cambridge Discovery Readers.

"I walked further into the trees, still holding Westy's collar. And that's when I saw the eyes. Dangerous eyes. Hungry eyes. Looking straight at me from the darkness fo the trees."

The Heath- an area of grass and trees- has been a playground for Luke for years. But something is living there and Luke knows it needs his help.

If you want to read a sample of chapter 1 click on this link:

Chapter 1

Click below to see the front cover of the book:

Front Cover

Receitas típicas Inglesas

The Union Jack

Click on the following recipes and find out how they are made.

Try them out yourself at home and then treat your friends.

Good luck in the kitchen!


Sausage Rolls

Fish and Chips

Cornish Pasty

Apple Crumble




If you have any doubts, just ask your English teacher we'll be glad to help.

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