Opposition to the regime (1959-1975)

There were some major strikes at the Universidad Complutense in 1956, where many students and professors were subsequently judge

There was a very important meeting of opponents in Munich in 1962, the so-called Contubernio de Muchich. These opponents agreed on some points to develop in Spain:

  • Freedom of trade unions, press, association, and expression.
  • Acknowledgment of regional feelings.
  • Development of human rights.
  • They agreed on developing democracy.

During the 1960s strikes became common in the industrial areas. In addition, the trade union Comisiones Obreras was founded in 1962. It was created by the PCE. Shortly after the PSOE and UGT also reorganised themselves.

After the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) the Catholic Church was more critical against the Francoist regime.Many Catholic organisations opposed the regime, mostly at University.

Terrorism grew to attack the regime in some parts of Spain: ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) was created in 1959 in order to get the independence of the Basque Provinces.

Meanwhile all the clandestine political parties coordinated the establishment of a democracy in Spain once Franco died.


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