Violent independences

  • Indochina: Ho Chi Minh was supported by communist China and France was supported by the USA, that did not want communism to spread throughout Asia. France lost at Dien Bien Phu (1954). Indochina was divided in three states: Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Vietnam was divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam, but not for long.
  • Indonesia: The former Dutch colonies quickly defeated the Dutch who were in no position to defend their colony after five years of Nazi occupation. During the war, Indonesia became part of the Japanese Empire. After the war, Ahmed Sukarno led the country against the Dutch. Indonesia became an independent republic in 1947. In 1965, there was a military revolt led by general Suharto. He established a dictatorship which lasted  until 1998.
  •  Malaysia: Britain supported Malayan nationalism in order to stop the spread of communism. Fist Malaya (1957) and then Singapore (1959) became independ- ent and formed Malaysia (1963).

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