Middle East

Britain and France controlled the Arab Provinces in the Middle East. Technically their authority was based in League of Nations mandates (licences).Large numbers of Jewish immigrated to Palestine. It was accepted at first by most of the Palestinian Arabs, but as more and more land was bought up by Zionist groups, opposition grew. The immigration to Palestine increased even further after 1933, as many tried to escape Nazi persecution after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. The Jewish population in Palestine had almost doubled by 1936.

After the Second World War, the USA put pressure on Britain to let the Holocaust survivors go to Palestine. The Jews in the area were now against British mandate starting terrorist acts that killed some people. Britain decided to pass the problem to the United Nations that decided to divide Palestine into two separate states . 55% of the territory was then in hands of the Jewish (33% of population), meanwhile the Arabs (66% of population) got 45% of the land, and the Arab territory was divided into three parts, Jerusalem was under international control.

The State of Israel was eventually proclaimed on 15 May 1948 and the British troops left the area. Arab armies from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon attacked Israel, but it resisted.  A ceasefire was signed in July 1949 and the territory was divided again.

 In 1964 the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) was established in order to create an independent Palestinian state. They have received a massive support from the Arab countries. Its main leader was Yasser Arafat.
 There have been more wars between Israel and its neighbouring states:

  • Six-Day War (1967). Israel launched a surprise attack on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan to prevent a likely Arab invasion and due to the blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba by Egypt. Israel conquered many territories in just six days:
  •  Yom Kippur War (1973). Arab forces made an alliance launched a surprise attack on Israel during their holy feasts. Israel counterattacked quickly and re-took over many territories.The Arab countries threatened the world by raising the price of petroleum, which caused a major economic crisis worldwide.

There have been attempts to reach agreements between Israel and its neighbouring countries. Camp David Accords were signed in 1978 between Israel and Egypt. Israel agreed on returning Sinai to Egypt and Egypt acknowledged the State of Israel.
 Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, where Israel agreed on granting autonomy to the West Bank and Gaza Strip and to be ruled by Palestinian authorities.

Nowadays there are still many conflicts since there are still Jewish settlements in Palestinian lands.

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