Industrialisation in Spain

During 19th century Spain's population increased 60%. Since 1860 farmers had begun to migrate to Madrid, Barcelona, Vizcaya an specially Latin America.

Spain was industrialised later and and more slowly in comparasion with northern Europe countries. This can be explained by lot of factors:

  • Bad quality coal
  • Poor techology
  • Foreing countries ruled Spanish mines and railways.
  • Very little bourgeise
  • Weak and backward agriculture (large states).
  • Turbulent political evolution.

In the 19th century, there were only two types of important industries in Spain: cotton industry in Cataluña and metallurgical industy in Asturias and Vizcaya.

The workers's movement was slow to develop in Spain. The socialist party PSOE was created in 1879 and UGT was created in 1888. Spanish workers and peasents felt more atractted by anarchism. One faction of anarchism advocated direct violent action (Prim, Cánovas or Martínez Campos were murdered by anarchist). Another faction of anarchism opposed to violence (CNT)

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