The Spanish War of Indepence

Godoy was the most importan minister of Carlos IV. In fact, he ruled the kingdom. By the beginning of 19th century Godoy supported Napoleon in the war against Great Britain. But France and Spain were defeated by the British at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) where Spain lost almost its entire fleet.

By the Treaty of Fontainebleau Spain gave French troops permission to pass trough Sapin on their way to Portugal. But French forces not only pass but occupied Spain and sent Carlos IV and his son Fernando to Bayonne were they renounced their rights to the Spanish throne in favor of Napoleon. The Emperour named his own brother (Jose I Bonaparte)  King of Spain. He imposed the Bayonne Constitution, which included enlightened reforms (equality under law). His supporters were called afrancesados

On 2 May 1808 the people of Madrid rose up againt the French army. The Spanish War of Independence had began. At first the Spanish forces won some victories such as the Battle of Bailen. Most of Spain was freed from the French rule and Joseph I moved to the north. But when Napoleon himself came to Spain with 300000 soldiers the French occupation became almost complete. Cadiz was the only city that resisted.

The Spanish reacted by creating guerrillas, which were paramilitary forces which were composed by former soldiers and peasants. Their main actions were to cut the French supplies and to ambush the Napoleonic army..

Great Britain sent an army led by the Duke of Wellington, which would be the only regular army to fight against the French.The French were finally defeated in 1813 and Napoleon signed the Treaty of Valençay (1814), where he acknowledged the independence of Spain and gave back the throne to Ferdinand VII.

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