The Constitution of 1812

Once the Peninsular War broke out 13 provincial juntas were established in order to rule on their regions and all of them would be coordinated by the Junta Suprema Central. Floridablanca led that Junta Suprema Central and in May 1809 he summoned Cortes in order to appoint a regent during the king’s absence.
The members of the Cortes were elected by universal suffrage.
The Cortes finally met in Cádiz, which was protected by the British navy. The first meeting took place on 24 September 1810 where they proclaimed the national sovereignty and the division of powers.
The main task of the Cortes was the drafting of a Constitution, which was passed on 19 March 1812. Hence it was known as La Pepa.It was based on:

  • Constitutional monarchy
  • National sovereignty with censitary sufragge
  • Catholicism as state religion
  • Division of powers
  • guaranteed rights and freedoms: equality under law, freedom of press and the prohibition of torture.

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