Causes of revolution


  • Financial crisis: It was provoked by the Seven Years War (1756-1763) and by the help given to the English colonist in the independence of the USA.
  • Bad crops: (1788-1789) the bread became more expensive and it provoked rebellions by poor people.
  • Great expenses: from the State (luxury, army, civil servent,...) which forced the privilaged to pay taxes (nobility and clergy, 10% of the population).

Government income and expenditure


  • Nobility and clergy did not have as much political importance as before since absolutism had strengthened.
    • They did not want to pay any new tax Louis XVI’s ministers wanted to impose.
    • They created the foundations of the further revolution once they rejected to pay attention to the king’s will.
  • The bourgeoisie did not have any political influence and their economic activity was controlled by the king. Hence, they meant to abolish the absolute monarchy.
  • Peasants and urban workers suffered more and more since taxes were continuously raised. They became the main actors in the French Revolution.


  • The Enlightenment
  • The American Revolution


  • The Estates General had not been summoned since 1614, but it was compulsory to hold a meeting in order to raise the taxes to the privileged classes, due to the fact that they had not voluntarily accepted such rises.
  • o The voting system in the Estates General gave more importance to the privileged strata, whilst the Third Estate members were almost neglected.

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