Privileged people

Nobility or aristocracy:

  • They lived on the rural income obtained from their estates.
  • They accumulated riches but some of them were not rich because of their very expensive way of life, actually most of them had big debts with bankers and traders.
  • The enjoyed honors, economic favors and tax exemptions (did not pay most taxes or at least not the most common ones)


  • They lived on the benefits of their land, their possessions and the tithe.
  • Because monarchy was given by divine right, the Church and priests played a main role in supporting the absolute monarchy and Ancien Régime.
  • The clergy was not equal, it could be divided into two different groups:
    • High Clergy. They came from aristocracy (They often were seconds sons and daughters of noble families) They enjoyed the same privileges as the nobility.
    • Low Clergy. They lived a humble life without luxuries. Some of them were on the side of the third estate.

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