At the beginning of the 18th Century most of European countries were under the Ancien régime.

The Ancien régime (French for the Old Order or Rule) was the political and social system adopted by most of the European Kingdoms at the end of the Middle Ages.

Louis XIV of France
Lois XIV. Public Domain

Society was based on the medieval social system where people were divided into estates, social status was based on your birth not on your wealth nor your capacities.

Agriculture and livestock breeding were the main economic activities.

Absolute Monarchy was its political system


Indicate wheter the following statements are True or False

Pregunta 1

18th century Europe was characterised as being a time of transition

Pregunta 2

The Enlightenment was a movement that advocated an absolute monarchy

Pregunta 3

In the Europe of the 18th and 19th century agriculture was the most important economic activity

Pregunta 4

The right of all people to equality and freedom was abolished at the end of the 18th century

Pregunta 5

Human reason and intelligence were not seen as a way to understand the world until the 20th century

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