Look at the video with the presentation of the parts of the body.

Mira o vídeo coa presentación das partes do corpo. 

 Then, with your robot, move around the board until you arrive to the word that matches with the image from the video.

Despois, co teu robot, móvete polo taboleiro ata que chegues á palabra que se corresponde á imaxe do vídeo.

If you don't have a robot, you can use the flashcards that are attached in this task. In that way, you have to point in the board the word that correspond to the image that the teacher shows.

Se non tes un robot, podes usar as flashcards que están adxuntas nesta tarefa. Desa maneira, tes que sinalar no taboleiro a palabra que corresponde á imaxe que a mestra amose.

Do you need help? Review the vocabulary of the lesson.

Precisas axuda? Revisa o vocabulario do tema.



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Última modificación: domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021, 11:01