Cualificando Entregas

Eye contact
Student doesn’t look at the audience
0.25 puntos
S. looks to the audience several times
0.5 puntos
S. looks very often to the audience
0.9 puntos
S looks to the audience most of the time
1.2 puntos
S maintains eye contact with the audience during the presentation
1.43 puntos
Pronunciation needs to be improved a lot. Extra work needs to be done urgently.
0.25 puntos
Some issues with pronunciation/intonation that may interfere with communication
0.5 puntos
Pronunciation is quiet good
0.9 puntos
A few pronunciation errors
1.2 puntos
Great pronunciation according to the circumstances (age).
1.43 puntos
Visual aid
Presentation Needs to be improve. Contains less than 4 slides
0.25 puntos
The presentation contains less than 4 slides / too much text
0.5 puntos
The presentation contains more than 4 slides. Good visual support (images and text), some visual issues.
0.9 puntos
The presentation contains at least 6 slides- Great visual support (images and text)
1.2 puntos
The presentation contains more than 6 slides. Fantastic visual support (images and text)
1.43 puntos
Many basic grammar mistakes (oral/written)
0.25 puntos
Too many basic grammar mistakes, not allowed at this stage.
0.5 puntos
Some grammar mistakes
0.9 puntos
A few grammar mistakes (new structures never introduced before during the lessons)
1.2 puntos
No grammar mistakes
1.43 puntos
Complete thoughts
Lack of sentence structure and word order
0.25 puntos
Limited use of sentence structure and word choice
0.5 puntos
Sufficient use of sentence structure ad word choice
0.9 puntos
Average use of sentence structure and word choice
1.2 puntos
Consistent use of sentence structure and word choice
1.43 puntos
No poise and inappropiate movement
0.25 puntos
Very limited poise with limited use of appropriate gestures
0.5 puntos
Limited poise with limited use of appropriate gestures
0.9 puntos
Sufficientrly poised with appropriate gestures
1.2 puntos
Consistently poised with appropriate gestures
1.43 puntos
Speech lasts less than 50 seconds
0.25 puntos
Speech lasts at least 1 minute
0.5 puntos
Speech lasts less than 2 minute
0.9 puntos
Speech lasts more than 2 minutes
1.2 puntos
Speech lasts less than 4minutes
1.43 puntos
Speech lasts more than 4 minutes
2 puntos