A lion called Christian

Watch the first 10' of this documentary and answer the questions:

  1. Where and when was Christian bought?
  2. Where were John and Ace from?
  3. Why did they go to London?
  4. What animals could be bought from Harrod's zoo department?
  5. What was Christian's original name? Where did he come from?
  6. Did John and Ace pass Harrod's test?
  7. How much was Christian?
  8. What did Christian play with when the cleaning lady was working?
  9. What happened with one of the girlfriends?
  10. How much can an adult lion weigh?
  11. How did John and Ace get the money to pay for Christian's food?
  12. Where did Christian exercise?
Last modified: Monday, 8 April 2024, 12:48 PM