Cultural talks: Scotland (Vite) / Pop Music (Sar)

Come listen to James Orange-Bromehead, courtesy of Oxford University Press.

     “Fàilte air Alba!  Welcome to Scotland!”: A virtual tour of the geography, history and culture of this beautiful country. An interactive talk with videos, images and a final quiz.

    “Milestones in the history of modern music”: A look back at some of the key moments in the history of rock music. An interactive talk with videos, songs and a quiz at the end.

Talk about Scotland:  February 19th, 2018; @ 11:00  h;Salón de Actos da EOI de Santiago (Vite).

Talk about Pop Music: February 19th, 2018; @ 19:00 h; Salón de Actos da Extensión de Sar.