Road map 5. Books, cinema and music.

In this module, we are going to deal with the topic of Books, cinema and films We will revise vocabulary about each of these topics and talk about your prefereces about them. Then, we will move on to discuss the importance of music in films and how it impacts our lives. 

At the end of this module, you will be able to write a book review and share it on a vlog. You will also create a poster to describe a musical festival in Galicia.

Informarse e aprenderLearning about it


  • Questionnaire: Reading habits.
  • Vocabulary: Types of books.
  • Reading comprehension: The handmaid's tale.
  • Listening comprehension: The Little Prince turns 75.
  • How to write a book review.
  • Grammar bite: The Passive.
  • Grammar: -ed /-ing adjectives.


  • Vocabulary: Films.
  • Listening comprehension: The History of Cinema.
  • Pronunciation: silent letters.
  • Reading comprehension: Origins of the movie industry.
  • Grammar: Verb of the senses.


  • Guessing game: identify famous songs from films.
  • Reading comprehension: The importance of music in movies.
  • Vocabulary: Musical instruments.
  • Grammar: Question tags


  • Reading Comprehension: Glastonbury Festival
  • Video listening: The History of Glastonbury Festival
  • Collaborative activity: Music Festivals in Galicia

Comunicarse e compartirCommunicating and sharing

  • Podcast: The soundtrack of your life
  • Forum: Share the names of singers or groups of music you like and say why.
  • Wiki: Write about Festivals in Galicia
  • Padlet: Share infographic
  • In class: Guessing game: Film riddles

Traballar e avaliarMaking progress

  • Writing: 
    • In class: Book review and write a mini saga
    • On Moodle: Book review as a Vlog
  • Self-graded listening tasks
  • Self-graded reading tasks

Reforzar e ampliarFollow up

  • Listening 
  • Reading
  • Vocabulary & Pronunciation
  • Writing tips & Grammar practice
  • Check your progress

Pay attention to the deadlines!

eoi_aulaico This symbol will show you which activities will take place in class. Be prepared to participate!