Forum: Do you live in a safe area?

Do I live in a safe area?

Do I live in a safe area?

by Alba González Rodríguez -
Number of replies: 1

Well, I consider that I live in a safe area compared to other regions. My village is very small and we know very well each other but it is true than the fact of being small, makes it a target for thieves. 

As my mates commented, some years ago the security in our places, or even in our country, was greater but, nowadays, I think that people don't feel comfortable in terms of security in their homes. Perhaps more and more home cases of home burglary are being heard about.

In reply to Alba González Rodríguez

Re: Do I live in a safe area?

by Pilar Polo Gundín -
I totally agree. We are lucky to live in a relatively safe area, but we tend to hear increasingly more cases of burglaries happening not only in cities but in the countryside as well. we live in a globalised world, so perhaps crime is something which is also distributed among populations of both areas.