Forum: The music you like

The sort of music

The sort of music

Number of replies: 1

Like movies, I can´t choose just one type of music, because I´m that kind of person who can listen to from rock since to merengue. I love music and dancing! The only style I am/get fed up with is electronic. To listen to music, I usually do it through on Spotify, either at home or by connecting it to the car / by bluetooth while I'm driving.

One of my favourite music bands is Coldplay, although not the only one…

I think that live music is increasingly popular in my country and it is true that people increasingly value attending festivals more and more*, not only for the music, but for the atmosphere. 

*to avoid repetition


Re: The sort of music

by Pilar Polo Gundín -
So your taste is eclectic in general...I believe that's the best approach in order to enjoy music wherever we hear it. We might prefer one kind over another, but being able to appreciate as many genres as possible is so enriching! I definitely agree with what you say about the atmosphere at festivals, by the way When you add this to the music, the experience  becomes something greater, definitely!