Face-to-Face Sessions

Here you will find a summary of what has been done on each Thursday after we meet up for our in-person class.

16 February

    - Progress in the module & and any issues.
    - Finishing off pending activities from the previous session:
        • Regrets game: link
        • Any haikus? Why not try a collectively made haiku?

    A haiku by Alba & Vane:

    The sky is light blue
    Everybody wants to fly
    There is no limit

        • Speaking Exam practice: Task 2-Co-production (interaction). Card here. Remember the importance of planning before you speak!
    Example (also include verb patterns, connectors...): 

    Tess's Design Portfolio β€” The Fourth Teacher

    - Used to/get used to/be used to: game

    - Tell your partner about:

                    • a past habitfood you didn't use to like when you were a child, but now you love.
                    • an acquired habit: an activity that you are used to doing every day.
                    • a habit you're introducing: a new habit/routine you are trying to get used to doing.